The Essie Winter 2022 Collection: Getting Groovy With a Very Special Branch - Makeup and Beauty Blog

essie winter 2016
Essie Winter 2022 and my favorite Misa Jewelry Branch necklace

If I lost this necklace, I would weep a river of sparkly tears.

It was a very special present from El Hub last Valentine's Day shortly earlier Connor was born, and the reason information technology's so special to me is…

Well, showtime of all, I like the shape. Information technology'due south a co-operative by Misa Jewelry. I call up I've talked about them before.

The owner, Misa Hamamoto, is based out of LA, and she'southward got this sort of, almost Hawaii-like aesthetic — very beachy, organic and natural, merely as well elegant.

When I run my fingers over the co-operative, the surface doesn't feel perfectly smooth. At that place are subtle imperfections in it, little bumps and ridges, like in a piece of driftwood. It actually speaks to me.

Information technology also reminds me of the last few weeks right earlier the baby came, that sort of end-of-the-road fourth dimension when I was over beingness pregnant just too excited most the coming changes and a piffling afraid at the same fourth dimension. I hateful, information technology had just been me, El Hub and Tabs for a long time; nosotros were adding a new co-operative to our family.

This is one of very few pieces of fine jewelry I ain. I don't own a lot of fancy jewelry because i) I tend to lose it, and 2) because costume jewelry is so much fun! You can vesture crazy gems and pearls the size of your fist — you know, things I would never be able to afford if they were real. Plus, if I lose costume jewelry, I'm not as completely devastated.

Perhaps because the co-operative isn't perfectly smoothen, information technology looks extra sparkly and beautiful sometimes when the light hits it right. That's why it reminded me of this golden bottle of Essie Getting Bully from the six-piece Essie Wintertime 2022 Drove, which is available now ($9 each).

essie winter 2022 getting groovy
Getting Cracking Polish from Essie Winter 2016, forth with a very special necklace

Getting Groovy has teeny, tiny golden glitter bits, and I'g wearing two layers of it in these pics. Only yous could probably get away with 1. It'southward very opaque.

I similar that the flecks of glitter in it aren't huge like they are in some glittery aureate nail polishes. They're more than refined.

essie winter 2022 swatches
Swatches of the other five Essie Winter 2022 shades from the left: Go With the Flowy, Political party on a Platform, Prepare to Boa, Satin Sister and Oh Carry

At that place are also 5 other shades in the drove, and other than the golden, my faves are grayish white Go With the Menstruum, which has its own fine micro-glitter flecks, except that its flecks are green, imperial and pinkish.

essie winter 2022 getting groovy
Getting Groovy

Surprisingly, though, y'all can't actually see the glitter directly when you lot become information technology on your nails. It definitely does reflect light, but the sparkle goes into hiding, just like Chanel underground shimmer does. It looks similar something Chanel would exercise.

I likewise like the deep, dark green called Satin Sister. Information technology reminds me of being in the jungle in Hawaii after information technology rains.

Ah… I wish I could teleport to Hawaii for a late lunch right now.

Your friendly neighborhood dazzler aficionado,



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