How Can You Get Sick Again From the Same Thing

It's that time of the year when it seems like anybody yous know has had a cold, flu or some other nasty bug.

After being ill, we'll do anything to avoid getting reinfected. So, does that mean nosotros demand to toss out the toothbrush? What else exercise we demand to ditch to stay healthy?

Luckily, you can't be reinfected by the same cold virus, but in that location are some 200 different strains circulating at any given fourth dimension.

"You develop antibodies for each of the viruses y'all are exposed to," said Dr. Natalie Azar, NBC medical contributor. "If you are having a cold that feels like it only doesn't quit, it is probably a different cold virus."

Charles Gerba, a professor of microbiology and environmental sciences at the University of Arizona, agreed.

"It is hard to re-infect yourself," he said.

RELATED: Symptom tracker: Cold, flu — or something else?

After being exposed to a virus, the body creates antibodies to fight off the virus. When you recover from that particular virus, your body no longer remains susceptible to that strain.

As for re-exposure, that virus on the toothbrush, lip balm, mascara, sheets or towels won't brand yous sick again. Merely if other viruses and leaner linger on these items, a new illness tin develop.

Flu, staph, strep, e-coli, and yeast unremarkably live on toothbrushes said Dr. Heather Rosen, medical director of UPMC Northward Huntington Urgent Intendance.

"There are so many bacteria that can reside on a toothbrush; therefore, it is always best to become rid of information technology once you have been infected with some sort of viral or bacterial affliction," she said.

And, replacing your toothbrush after illness reduces the hazard that your nasty brush spreads its germs to anyone else's nearby brushes.

RELATED: Home flu remedies that actually work (and some that don't)

Yuck cistron

On the other side, Gerba says non to worry too much about toothbrushes spreading illness.

"It is just a yuck factor," he said.

Even so, it is generally recommended to change your toothbrush every three months. And go along it away from the toilet, because airborne aerosol released from flushing settle on toothbrushes, Gerba advised.

And, never share toothbrushes.

"You tin catch infections similar a common cold, bloodborne disease [think Hepatitis B or C], or fifty-fifty bacterial infections if you accept a hazard and use someone else'due south toothbrush," Rosen said.

RELATED: The truth about vi common cold remedies

How nearly that lip balm?

When we're ill and dehydrated, lip balm becomes our next all-time friend — after nasal tissue and a cup of hot green tea.

Fortunately, lipstick, lip balms and mascara often comprise anti-microbial ingredients, reducing the number of germs flourishing in them, said Gerba.

But, don't share makeup! People can yet get sick if they borrow someone else's make-up; it's an easy way to contract oral herpes or pink center, says Rosen.

Most lip balms comprise anti-microbial agents. Angeliki Jackson / TODAY

It's not about you

When it comes spreading colds and influenza, bar soap and towels can exist germ factories. After rubbing hands on the soap, the germs remain on the bar, said Gerba. If people neglect to sufficiently wash the germs off their easily, the leftovers may cling to hand towels.

"They tin can be a conduit for transmitting germs," said Gerba. "Change those towels every two or three days."

Sheets can also harbor germs, which could infect a healthy bed partner if they remain unwashed later on affliction.

white bedding sheets
If you lot've been sick, exist kind to your loved one: wash your sheets. Shutterstock

"Viruses tin survive much, much shorter periods of time on a porous surface," says Azar. But they can linger up to 24 hours on difficult surfaces, such as counters, tables, figurer keyboards, and remote controls.

It doesn't accept much to make clean away about germs, fortunately. Azar suggests thoroughly cleaning the house, sheets and towels after illness "if y'all want to be kind to other people. It'due south not about y'all — it is almost other people."


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