Can You Ask a Lawyer a Question for Free?

Ask A Lawyer online forum

Increase conversion by engaging with prospects

Ask A Lawyer puts you in front of 9,000 prospective clients monthly searching for answers to their legal questions. Your responses can drive them to hire you to handle their matter.

Consumers searching for legal assistance submit their questions and you lot decide whether, when and how to respond. More than than 90 pct of consumers who use Ask A Lawyer programme to rent an attorney within the adjacent calendar month; thirty percent programme to hire a lawyer within one week.

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Enquire a Lawyer's distinguishing features


Showcase your noesis on your profile

Every response appears on your contour, demonstrating your knowledge and establishing you every bit an authoritative source of legal information. Your responses likewise create rapport and trust with potential clients.


Be visible on the homepage of

Your responses are published instantly to the homepage of, where the most recent questions and answers appear.


Show upwardly in Ask A Lawyer search results

Your response appears in every search of the relevant legal issue, opening the door to even more prospective clients.


Boost your search engine rankings

Link your responses to your firm website to ameliorate where you appear in search results.


Provide fresh content to your Martindale website

Martindale-Hubbell Website Series customers can add a existent-time feed to their website displaying every Ask A Lawyer question whatsoever lawyer at their firm has answered.


Reply at your convenience

You can respond 24/7/365 from any desktop or mobile device.

Finding a time-efficient method to place prospects

Michael Siegel was looking for an efficient way to increase his online visibility before a wide audience while simultaneously focusing in on the specific prospects that would grow his business. Martindale-Hubbell'southward Inquire A Lawyer did the trick.

Read the case study

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How does Enquire A Lawyer work

Consumers searching for legal help submit their question with details of their situation. They choose a legal topic from a dropdown list of 95 areas of practice and specify their state.

Attorneys subscribing to Martindale-Hubbell's profiles can scan consumers' questions based on the legal topics of their choosing and further narrow their search past a specific state if desired. They also can likewise choose to receive email alerts of new questions coming in for their chosen topics and state.

One time a question is answered past an chaser, the question and reply are immediately published to the homepage and the Community Contributions department of the attorney'due south profile on The consumer's contact information, if provided, is at present available to the attorney to facilitate a follow-up call. The consumer is notified by email that their question has been answered.

Questions answered through this forum practise not institute an attorney-customer human relationship but practise provide the consumer with full general data and encouragement to seek local counsel.

Get started

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Ask A Lawyer briefs

Questions from consumers are filtered into 95 areas of practice, ranging from Actos and Adoptions to Zoloft and Zoning, and so you tin quickly observe questions relevant to your practice.

Numerous lawyers find so much value through Ask A Lawyer that they answer more than than fifty questions each month.

The majority of questions are posted midday during consumers' tiffin hours — starting at 11:00 a.thou. and ending at 2:00 p.yard. local fourth dimension zone — giving you the opportunity for immediate engagement.

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Frequently asked questions

  • What is Ask A Lawyer?

    Ask A Lawyer is a free offering on where consumers can inquire legal questions and seek answers from our extensive network of attorneys. For attorneys, it is an effective marketing tool linking you to prospective clients who may be in demand of legal counsel.

  • Who tin can participate in answering Inquire A Lawyer questions?

    Any attorney who subscribes to Martindale-Hubbell's profiles has access to the Inquire A Lawyer service and can begin answering questions immediately.

  • Why should I participate in answering Enquire A Lawyer questions?

    Answering Enquire A Lawyer questions showcases your knowledge and establishes your reputation in the online community as an administrative source of information in your areas of legal expertise. In addition, answering questions boosts your rankings in search results and drives traffic to your contour listing and website. Information technology exposes you to potential clients and leaves a footprint for future potential clients beyond the person request the initial question.

  • How much time will I need to spend answering Ask A Lawyer questions?

    Attorneys can spend every bit little or as much fourth dimension as they want answering Enquire A Lawyer questions. In that location is no commitment to a ready number of questions to exist answered. In many cases, it only takes a few minutes to offering full general legal information or to indicate a consumer in the right direction to the relevant adjacent steps and encourage them to seek local counsel if appropriate.

  • Do I risk forming an chaser-client human relationship past answering Ask A Lawyer questions?

    No, nosotros include notices throughout the site to ensure that consumers are aware that attorney responses to Enquire A Lawyer questions practise not establish an attorney-client human relationship. The consumer agrees to these terms when they click on "submit" to ship a question. We too encourage attorneys to use a disclaimer that will automatically display with each response.

  • How volition I be notified when Inquire A Lawyer questions are submitted?

    Attorneys participating in Ask A Lawyer can choose to receive email notifications daily, weekly or not at all. They tin also log in 24/vii to the Ask A Lawyer queue to view and answer questions any fourth dimension that is convenient.

Start the contour process

Past clicking the "Submit" button, you concord to the Terms of Apply and Privacy Policy, and to the use of cookies described therein, and y'all besides consent to the collection, storage, and processing of your data in the United states of america where the level of data protection may be different from those in your country.


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