Easy to Read Books for 7 Yr. Old Boys

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Unit 6.
The Pleasure of Reading

Treading for Discussion

48. A. Look at the title of the text, the picture and the key phrases and endeavor to guess what the text is going to be about.

Key phrases:

  • to read books from encompass to cover
  • to know as many words as most grown-ups
  • to be noisy chatterbox
  • to teach oneself to read by studying newspapers
  • to walk to the public library
  • to travel all over the world while sitting in the armchair

B. Read the text. Mind to the get-go part of it carefully, � 32, and say if your approximate was right.

The Reader of Books

(After Roald Dahl)

Matilda�s brother Michael was a perfectly normal boy, but his sis was something to make your eyes pop. Past the age of one and a one-half her speech was perfect, and she knew every bit many words as almost grown-ups. The parents, instead of applauding her, called her a noisy chatterbox and told her angrily that small girls should be seen and not heard. By the time she was iii, Matilda had taught herself to read past studying newspapers and magazines that lay around the firm. At the age of four, she could read fast and well. The only book in the whole of this �educated� household was something called Easy Cookingane belonging to her mother, and when she had read this from cover to cover and had learned all the recipes2 by heart, she decided she wanted something more interesting.

�Daddy,� she said, �practise you think you lot could buy me a book?�

�A book?� he said. �What�s wrong with the telly, for sky�south sake?3 We�ve got a lovely telly and now you lot come asking for a book! Y'all�re getting spoiled, my girl!�

one Easy Cooking � ���������� ����� �������� ��������
2 a recipe � ������ ������������� ����
3 for heaven�s sake � ���� ����� �������

Most every weekday afternoon Matilda was left alone in the business firm. Then on the afternoon of the day when her father had refused to purchase her a book, Matilda decided to walk to the public library in the village all by herself. When she arrived, she introduced herself to the librarian, Mrs Phelps [felpsj. She asked if she could sit for a while and read a book. Mrs Phelps was taken ashamed when she saw that such a tiny girl had arrived at the library without a parent, merely told her she was very welcome.

�Where are the children�south books, delight?� Matilda asked.

�They�re over there on those lower shelves,� Mrs Phelps told her. �Would you like me to help you find a nice one with lots of pictures in it?�

�No, thank you,� Matilda said. �I�yard sure I can manage.�

From then on, every afternoon, Matilda came to the library. The walk took her but ten minutes and this allowed her two wonderful hours in the library where she sat quietly by herself in a cosy corner devouring one book after another. When she had read all children�s books in the place, she started searching for something else.

Mrs Phelps, who had been watching her with fascination for the by few weeks, now got up from her desk and went over to her. �Can I help you, Matilda?� she asked.

�I�k wondering what to read next,� Matilda said. �I�ve finished all the children�s books.�

�You mean you�ve looked at the pictures?�

�Yes, merely I�ve read the books equally well. I thought some were very poor,� Matilda said, �but others were lovely. I liked the Secret Garden all-time of all. Information technology was full of mystery. The mystery of the room backside the closed door and the mystery of the garden behind the large wall.�

Mrs Phelps was taken aback, just she did non show information technology.

�What sort of a volume would yous similar to read adjacent?� she asked. Matilda said, �I would like a really good one that grown-ups read. A famous ane. I don�t know any names.�

Mrs Phelps looked forth the shelves, taking her time. She didn�t quite know what to bring out. How, she asked herself, does ane choose a famous grown-up book for a four-twelvemonth-old girl? Her beginning thought was to pick a young teenager�due south romance1 of the kind that is written for xv-year-old schoolgirls, simply for some reason she walked past that particular shelf.

1 a romance � ����� ��� ������� �������������� � ��������� ����������

�Try this,� she said at last. �Information technology�south very famous and very good. If it is as well long for you, simply permit me know and I�ll find something shorter and a bit easier.�

"Corking Expectations,� Matilda read, �by Charles Dickens. I�d honey to try information technology.�

Over the next few afternoons Matilda sat reading in the big armchair at the far terminate of the room with a volume on her lap. She was totally absorbed in the wonderful adventures of Pip and old Miss Havisham in her house and the spell of magic that Dickens, the groovy storyteller, had created with his words.

Inside a week, Matilda had finished Slap-up Expectations which in that edition contained iv hundred and 11 pages. �I loved it,� she said to Mrs Phelps.

�Has Mr Dickens written any others?�

�A peachy number,� said Mrs Phelps. �Shall I cull y'all some other?� Over the side by side six months under Mrs Phelps�southward watchful eye, Matilda read the following books: Nicholas Nickleby past Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bront�, Pride and Prejudice past Jane Austen, Tess of the D�Urbervilles past Thomas Hardy, Kim by Rudyard Kipling, The Invisible Man by H. G. Wells, The Old Homo and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, The Good Companions by J. B. Priestley, Brighton Stone past Graham Greene, Animate being Subcontract by George Orwell.

Information technology was an impressive listing. Once Mrs Phelps said, �Did you know that public libraries similar this let you to borrow books and take them home?�

�I didn�t know that,� Matilda said. �Could I practise it?�

�Of course,� Mrs Phelps said.

�When you take chosen the volume yous desire, bring it to me then I can make a note of information technology and it�s yours for 2 weeks. You tin can accept more i if y'all wish.�

From then on, Matilda would visit the library just in one case a week in order to have out new books and return the former ones. Her own small-scale sleeping room now became her reading room and there she sat reading near afternoons, often with a mug1 of hot chocolate beside her. It was pleasant to have a hot drink up to her room and accept information technology abreast her as she saturday in her silent room reading in the empty firm in the afternoon.

The books transported her into new worlds and introduced her to wonderful people who lived exciting lives. She went on old sailing ships with Joseph Conrad.two She went to Africa with Ernest Hemingway and to India with Rudyard Kipling. She travelled all over the world while sitting in her footling room in an English village.

1 a mug � ������.
two Joseph Conrad, a British novelist of Smoothen origin. His books, which include �Heart of Darkness�, �Lord Jim� and �Nostromo�, are about foreign setting, sea life and how it feels to be an outsider.

49. Friction match the phrases in English with their Russian equivalents. Find the sentences with them in the text and read them out.

1. spell of magic
2. from and so on
3. to take 1�s fourth dimension
4. for some reason
5. let me know
6. in (on) ane�s lap
seven. totally captivated

�) �� �������
b) ��� ��� �����
�) ��������� �����������
d) ��������� ����, ����������
e) �������, �� �������
f) �� �����-�� �������
g) � ��� ���

l. Wait through the text once again and find out:

A. Who said information technology?

  1. �What�s wrong with the telly?�
  2. �Would you like me to aid you find a nice one with lots of pictures in it?�
  3. �I�ve finished all the children�s books.�
  4. �If information technology�s too long for you, just permit me know.�
  5. �Did you know that public libraries allow you to infringe books and have them home?�

B. Who did information technology?

  1. Could read fast and well at the age of 4.
  2. Was left alone in the business firm near every weekday afternoon.
  3. Gave Matilda advice about choosing books.
  4. Asked Matilda nigh her impression of the books.
  5. Began to borrow books from the library. six. Travelled all over the world with the help of reading.

C. Cull the right detail.

  1. Matilda had an elder ... .

    a) brother
    b) sister

  2. The only volume Matilda�southward parents had was a ... .

    a) travel volume
    b) cookbook

  3. Mrs Phelps was a ... .

    a) teacher
    b) librarian

  4. At first Matilda read ... books,

    a) children�s
    b) pop

  5. Matilda liked ... the books she read,

    a) some of
    b) all

  6. Mrs Phelps idea that Dickens was ... for Matilda,

    a) too difficult
    b) just right

  7. The first book by Dickens that Matilda read was ... .

    a) Oliver Twist
    b) Dandy Expectations

  8. When Matilda began to infringe books from the library she turned her ... into a reading room.

    a) living room
    b) sleeping room

  9. She liked to potable ... when she was reading,

    a) tea
    b) chocolate


Source: https://ansevik.ru/english_7/37.html

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